There were changes made on the Pensions Act thereby needing each company under auto-enrolment to offer a workplace pension scheme to its staffs. This altered how pensions were being provided with employers dictating conditions under which to provide pensions.  It is thus the right of employees to be provided with pension schemes with an option to continue with or leave the scheme. As an employer, you have duties to perform with pension automatic enrolment failure to which you are penalized.  Below are principles to help you succeed in Pensions Auto Enrolment.

Make sure there is an effective communication with your staffs.  Ensuring there is a clear communication with your employees and every relevant department is crucial as it will save time and resources that would be used in addressing unnecessary questions down the line.  Communications should let the staffs know of processes put in place, any new company policy and deductions to be made from their salaries. You, therefore, need to have tools and templates that will ensure you effectively communicate with your staffs.

Review current pension provisions at  It is possible that your company has already provided pension schemes to its employees and this makes it necessary to keep checking your up-to-date pension policy.  First of all, seek to know the effects auto-enrolment legislation is going to have on the workers who are already enlisted with other schemes. You should pay attention to if you have the minimum requirements. Also check whether your current pension provider provides a good scheme for staffs becoming eligible under the current rules.

Ensure your company's staging date is clear.  In case you do not have clear details of your company's staging date, find out to avoid penalties.  Staging date is the day the employer is needed to begin auto-enrolling his/her employees into the right pension scheme.  It is worth knowing that there are chances for you to take your staging date forward. You can also defer auto-enrolment slightly but there are actions you should take, hence the need of knowing what responsibilities you have.

You should go for the right pension scheme. Although there is a variety of pension schemes in the industry, some of them are not qualified. You thus need to thoroughly examine them to make sure they meet the needed criteria.  It may also be necessary to check how much you will be charged for your scheme to be administered.  In addition, consider the investment choices your employees are provided with; if your company has a priority for ethical values, consider a provider investing in similar schemes.  Moreover, consider what support is given to employees and employers; having a point of contact is important when an issue arises. Get more information about Pension at